Monday, November 2, 2009

Movie Review

The movie Sleepy Hollow was a great mystery/horror minus the horror. The graphics were good and the plot keeps you guessing until the very end but it just wasn't scary! The tale of a young policeman (Ichabod Crane) sent from New York to the small town of Sleepy Hollow in order to investigate a series of terrible murder committed by none other then a headless horsemen. It had everything - sex scandals, love, mystery and murder but the things that make you scream and have goosebumps was just lacking. Do to the main character's habit of fainting the film had no chose but to show all the "gore" leaving nothing for our imaginations to create and distort into something much more menacing. In the end, Sleepy Hollow was a well done movie a variety of people would like but if your looking for something more along the lines of a horror, look somewhere else.

10 Simple Pleasures.

Ten simple pleasures of mine are...

10. Field Hockey
9. Laughing
8. Running
7. My dog
6. Art
5. Music
4. Family
3. Friends
2. Sun Showers
1. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is my number one simple pleasure because it is just amazing! How can you not love something with a taste and smell so heavenly? The way it melts in your mouth leaving such a rich and unwavering taste that is chocolate. It is now and forever will be my number one simple pleasure.

Top 3 Pets I've Had

Over the years i have had many pets but my top three have to be my dachshund, gosling and gecko. I have ranked them according to name, level of cuteness, smell, training potential and playfulness.

1. My dachshund. The name Sage may seem a little plain I thought it had a certain classiness to it. Sage being a wiener dog with big brown eyes that could break any ones heart puts her very high on the cuteness scale. Most people find the smell of their dog a real disappointment but not Sage, who always smells nice and clean. Training for Sage went by really quick for she is a very fast learner and cute enough to get away with the bad things she did do. Finely it came down to playfulness, in which she with out a doubt came in first with her caring hellos and goodbyes, hourly face kisses and unwavering willingness to play.

2. My gosling. Although my baby goose Sir Quackerton the 13th did place first for names and cuteness, in the end it just wasn't quite enough. What he lacked in was...well everything else. Being a gosling and all, he didn't really understand the concept of going to the bathroom in one designated spot which also plays in his incapability of being trained and his lack of playfulness.

3. My gecko. With a name like Gecko and the training potential and playfulness of a twig, it's no surprise that he was the one to come in last place. His cuteness and lack of smell were the only things that kept him in the race. In the end, all Gecko could manage was the descent ranking of third.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Super Powers!!!

If I could have any super power it would be the power of telepathy. I would be able to hear others minds and also communicate without speech. I could tell what people wanted from me... what they thought of me right off the bat. In the beginning, I'd probably try to use it only when needed but eventually decide always was "when needed." I'm not saying I'd abuse my power, but get a little carried away now and again...definitely! You know what they say, "the greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." (Edmund Burke) Now that I think about it, I'm not quite to sure how I would react. When the time comes and I actually have the power of telepathy, I'll let you know, and in the meantime I'll keep dreaming and you can keep wondering if I'm some weird, power-crazed tyrant ready to take over the world one mind at a time.